The SCT® Trademark

The SCT Trademark and the trademark licensing process is the avenue by which the SCT values, norms, standards and quality of practice are protected. It is through the trademark licensing process that members can be licensed as SCT practitioners and authorized to represent SCT within the SCT community and in the larger environment. A licensed practitioner can call themselves an SCT practitioner in their work context, whether in training, therapy, consulting or education and can be depended upon by others to practice SCT in a consistent and reliable manner. It is the licensed practitioner who carries the values and standards in their practice and in their contribution to maintaining the SCTRI community and its organizations that put theory into practice. SCT and Systems-Centered are registered trademarks in the US, European Union and Sweden and are owned by the Systems-Centered Training and Research Institute.

Protecting the Trademark

Trademarks can be lost! Legally, a trademark must be protected. Officially maintaining the SCT license requires that only licensed members use the words Systems-Centered Therapy or Systems-Centered Training or SCT when advertising their own work. If anyone represents themselves as an SCT therapist or trainer without a license, this introduces a Trademark violation which, if it is not addressed formally, serves to jeopardize the Trademark.

Systems-Centered® Practitioner

A Systems-Centered Practitioner is someone who has: met the training criteria at the Foundation, Intermediate and Advanced levels (assessed by: themselves, SCTRI mentors and peers in training), applied for and engaged in the peer evaluation process for licensing, been recognized by the license holders, and paid the requisite licensing fee. Becoming a licensed Systems-Centered Practitioner entitles members to describe themselves as using the Systems-Centered methods, and to use Systems-Centered on their professional and promotional materials. Retaining the license requires ongoing re-licensure, currently set at every five years. The SCT Practitioner license is granted by the Systems-Centered Training and Research Institute, owner of the legal trademark with responsibility both for granting licenses and for maintaining the integrity of the trademark. A trademark license certifies competence as a way of maintaining some degree of consistency and reliability over what work is called System-Centered, protecting both the integrity of the method and the values represented by those practicing it.

What to Expect in Training to Become a Systems-Centered Practitioner

For these reasons, training leading to licensing as a Systems-Centered Practitioner is a considerable commitment, taken seriously both by members-in-training and by those responsible for training. Not everyone who starts out to become a Systems-Centered Practitioner will want to “stay the course,” and not everyone who wants to will be able to meet the criteria for licensing.  Many members will simply want to integrate the theory, methods and techniques into their own work, continuing to use the training resources to develop skills.

Individual Authorization for SCT Events

When any unlicensed members believe that they can reliably make a Systems-Centered presentation they can contact Susan Gantt, Chair of SCTRI, and apply for a Single Project License for Non-licensed Practitioners for the event. Before applying, applicants find a licensed SCT Practitioner to consult with them on their application. Applications need to include the name of your consultant, a description of the context, goal, a training or presentation design and a sample of any handouts, all of which have been agreed with your consultant. 

If you have reliably integrated Functional Subgrouping, you are free to use it without a project license. Anyone is free to use a Theory of Living Human Systems, but only licensed practitioners can present themselves as Systems-Centered Practitioners. This protects the trademark which maintains the reliability of SCT practice and ensures that those who are representing themselves as SCT practitioners are in fact doing SCT.

The License Agreement

There are two License Agreements:
(click links to download)

SCT Materials

SCT materials for workshops and presentations are available to all licensed practitioners in the Members section of the website under SCT Training Materials

Protecting the SCT Organization

Without the trademark there would be no licensing, and no way of ensuring that those who officially practice SCT have been trained to do so. Through theoretical, developmental, technical and observational training, practitioners have developed the capacity to understand the functioning of individuals, couples, groups and organizations from the perspective of a Theory of Living Human Systems and have learned to apply methods and techniques in the context of the system development.

Practicing the letter of the SCT law, with the spirit of attunement at the heart of training, equips us with the knowledge of how to introduce techniques with the awareness of the system context. Without this awareness, techniques become mechanical and inappropriate. Understanding the sequence in the process of defense modification, selecting each skill that builds on the skill that was learned before while at the same time laying the foundation for the skill that comes next is essential in SCT practice. The skills that modify individual defenses are the same skills that modify the restraining forces to the development of the SCT system into an enabling context for both individual and group change.