For enquiries related to SCTRI membership please contact:

Kathy Lum
Office: +1 678-701-8290 skype
Fax: +1 734-378-5703


Fran Carter

Mailing Address:
PO Box 2118
Decatur, GA  30031  U.S.


How do I renew my membership?

You can now renew your membership online on the members welcome page. The membership year runs Feb. 1 - Jan. 31.

How do I update my info in the Directory?

You can update your information at any time by contacting our administrator, Kathy Lum. You can also update your information when you renew your membership.


What is the listserv?

The SCTRI Members email listserv is our primary means of communication to members. The listserv is used to announce upcoming training events and organizational information, such as updates from the Board of Directors or reminders about membership renewal. Members often use the listserv to look for referrals to SCT therapists in other locations.

How do I join the listserv?

Joining the listserv — or leaving it — is voluntary. To subscribe or remove your name from the list, please contact us. SCTRI does not share email addresses with other organizations or individuals.

How do I remove my email from the listserv?

To do this, please email us.


How do I register for the conference?

The conference program and registration form are available on the website in January. Fill out the registration form and make payment online with Paypal, or mail or fax a printed form with payment information to the location shown on the form.

Why do I pay SCTRI for the conference, but not other training events?

The annual conference is the only training event sponsored by the organization. SCTRI manages the conference and collects all fees for the conference. All other training events are sponsored by individual licensed SCT practitioners who organize and collect fees for their training events. The sponsoring trainer and payment details for each event are listed in the Training Notice Board.

Why do you need to be an SCTRI member to go into Intermediate Training?

Work at the intermediate level is the transition from attending SCT trainings primarily for work with oneself and one's own personal interest, to making a commitment to learn and apply the discipline of systems-centered practice using theory, methods and techniques to build and develop functioning system-centered systems. SCT methods are learned and applied in context, and recognize that every member contributes to building the larger system.

By being members of SCTRI, intermediate level trainees contribute to building the system that contains and develops the training program they are learning in.

What is work exchange (WEX)?

Work Exchange (WEX) is a member benefit that provides an opportunity to work at a training event in exchange for reduced fees. WEX is based on resources and need and is available to members who otherwise would not be able to attend a training event because of financial restraining forces. For information on WEX at the annual conference, contact us. For all other training events, please contact the trainer.

Are Continuing Education credits (CEs) available at SCT trainings?

SCTRI currently offers CEs for psychologists for the annual conference, and for non-conference Core Curriculum trainings (currently the Authority Issue, Skills and Mentor Training Groups). We also offer CEs on a local basis for social workers, mental health counselors, and marriage and family therapists in the area in which the annual conference is held. Check with the trainer for CE availability at all other training events.

The Organization

What is the difference between SCTRI and SCT?

The Systems-Centered Training and Research Institute (SCTRI) is the non-profit organization that supports training and research in the systems-centered approach. Systems-Centered Theory (SCT) is a conflict resolution and change management technique that explains how living human systems contain their energy within functional boundaries and direct this energy towards their goals: the primary goals of survival and development and the secondary goals of environment mastery. Systems-centered theory can be applied clinically to individual, group, couples and family therapy. It can also be applied to all levels of the system in organizations. The theory of living human systems and its systems-centered practice were developed by Yvonne Agazarian.

Who manages SCTRI?

The Board of Directors/Board of Directors has responsibility for overall governance and management of SCTRI according to its mission and values. The group meets twice each year, unless otherwise determined by the Board of Directors/Board. Members who have successfully completed the intermediate level of training through participation in the Authority Issue Group are eligible to join the Board of Directors/Board. The Steering Group is assigned plenipotentiary authority between Board of Directors/Board meetings to maintain the vision and policies, and oversee the daily operational functions of SCTRI. This group meets weekly, unless otherwise determined by the Steering Group. Members are selected from the Board of Directors/Board on a semi-annual basis, serving from one Board of Directors/Board meeting to the next.

What are "System Mentors?"

The System Mentors keep an eye on the overall functioning of SCTRI and system-centered training with the goal of maintaining the spirit and values of SCT. Mentors consult to members and action groups as needed, and hold the final authority for accepting recommendations for licensing individual members as SCT practitioners.

How can I join an Action Group?

Contact the action group liaison listed in the member section of the website or in the directory, or contact us.

Are my donations tax-deductible?

Cash donations to SCTRI are deductible as a charitable contribution for federal tax purposes. Donations of goods and services, such as for the silent auction at the annual conference, may be claimed as a deduction based on their value.