Membership Information

Membership in SCTRI is an opportunity to join a community of people working to learn and use systems-centered methods. Members also have the opportunity to contribute to continually creating SCTRI itself, an organization that holds the values and the spirit of the SCT approach to facilitating change in living human systems – ourselves, clients in psychotherapy or consultation, organizations we live and work in. As an organization that runs on the energy of volunteers, SCTRI provides the opportunity to participate in action groups, learning to use systems-centered methods and techniques to get work done. As members of SCTRI we are continually creating the system that supports what we are learning!

The membership year runs January 1 - December 31.

Introductory New Member Rate $125  |  Full-Time Student $50  |  Renewal $200

Membership is available to anyone who wants to join. Dues are "more if you can, less if not" depending on your resources. You are free to decide what is affordable for you.

Please note that you do not have to become a member of SCTRI in order to register as a user on our website. If you are curious about SCT and would like to learn more, please use the "Create an Account" button below. If you already have an account use the "Login" button.

Login   Create an Account

Membership Benefits

  • Invitation to online events hosted by the SCT Training and Resource Center
  • Free monthly drop-in study group on Zoom
  • Ten-minute free consultations with members that have completed Intermediate Skills Training
  • Access to SCT Center archives and downloadable papers
  • Lower fees for the annual conference and training groups
  • Participation in SCTRI action groups
  • Work exchange (WEX) opportunities to reduce fees for annual conference and training groups
  • Bi-annual Newsletter & E-News
  • Access to the Members section of SCTRI website (this includes membership directory, training materials, minutes of action groups)
  • Ability to move to the Intermediate level of training
  • Ability to move to the Advanced level of training and licensing as an SCT Practitioner
  • Opportunity to apply for a project license to use the SCT trademark