Thu Feb 13 2025 -
Thu Feb 13 2025
(13 Feb 2025 12:00 PM - 13 Feb 2025 1:30 PM )
Thinking Systems: Explore with a Systems-Centered Perspective (Session 4) - Zoom
SCT Workshop with Claudia Byram
, Dayne Narretta
Contact: Taylor Malone
SCTRI is presenting this online group through its Training and Resource Center
Venue |
Track(s) |
Level(s) |
Virtual |
Clinical|Organizational|Theory and Basics|Education|General Interest |
Open to All Levels |
Event Details
For newer members of SCTRI
Join others to explore what happens when we see ourselves and our world from a systems-centered perspective
Facilitators: Claudia Byram & Dayne Narretta
6 session Zoom series
Seeing the systems we are a part of balances our natural human tendency to take others, and ourselves just personally. We can reduce the "ouch" of personalizing and increase our chance of behaving in ways that support the system moving toward its goals.
In these 6 sessions you will work with others to explore:
• How to "think" systems - getting the core ideas of systems thinking under your belt
• What happens as we join with others to put these ideas to work to build a systems-centered system for learning and developing
• What we see when we use the systems lens to view living human systems in our lives - taking the lens of systems thinking on the road, into your life
If you would like to join, please make sure you are able to attend all or most sessions. Each will build on the work of the previous sessions as the group works.
Sessions will be recorded as a resource for the leaders to review their work. Recordings may be used as a sample of leaders' work for SCT licensing.
2025 Dates: Jan 23, Feb 13, Mar 13, May 22
Each group will meet for 1.5 hours starting at 12:00pm ET
[9:00 am PT, 17.00 UK, 18.00 CET]
Use to check the time in your location
This group is free to members of SCTRI
Registration is required to receive the Zoom link & passcode
Register through the email invitation or by contacting Taylor Malone
If you are not a member and would like to attend, you can join SCTRI by contacting Kathy Lum
Claudia Byram PhD, CGP
Claudia Byram has worked since 1980 as a clinician and trainer, developing with the emergence of systems-centered theory and practice in Philadelphia. Currently she is a Licensed Systems-Centered Practitioner with a clinical practice in Philadelphia. She leads Systems-Centered training events, both in Philadelphia and as a lead trainer in the annual SCT Conferences. She is editor of the SCTRI Newsletter and on the Board of Directors of SCTRI. She, along with Frances Carter, leads trainings in the SAVI (System for Analyzing Verbal Interaction) model of verbal communication. SAVI is one of the tools that helps systems-centered practitioners monitor both their own system inputs and the state of the working system.
Dayne Narretta LCSW, BCD, CGP, AGPA-F
Dayne Narretta is in Private Practice in Baton Rouge, LA. She has been facilitating groups since 1992. Most of her group training is through Systems-Centered Training Research Institute, American Group Psychotherapy Association, its affiliates and learning from the groups she leads. She does workshops and experiential groups for SCTRI, AGPA and its affiliates, universities, treatment centers and other organizations. She was introduced to Systems-Centered group work in 2004 and continues her training in the Systems-Centered Training and Research Institute. Dayne is currently a co-director for the Systems-Centered Training annual conference. She has served on the Board for American Group Psychotherapy Association, as an AGPA conference co-chair and on the Affiliate Society Assembly. In addition, she is a past president for Louisiana Group Psychotherapy Society and has served in other leadership roles.
Primary Telebridge: 1-712-775-7100, pin 223476# (dial 00 before the number if calling from outside US) USE THIS NUMBER FOR ALL MEETINGS, EXCEPT ONES MARKED ‘INTERNATIONAL’ OR ‘ALTERNATE’ BRIDGE’
Alternate Telebridge: 1-605-468-8009, pin 369241# (dial 00 before the number if calling from outside US) ONLY USE FOR MEETINGS MARKED ‘ALTERNATE BRIDGE'
This bridge provides in-country phone numbers so that international long-distance charges can be avoided. Other countries will be added as they become available. Please check this list periodically to confirm you are using the current number.
The pin is the same for all countries: 729209#
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This bridge provides in-country phone numbers so that international long-distance charges can be avoided. Other countries will be added as they become available. Please check this list periodically to confirm you are using the current number.
The pin is the same for all countries: 649008#
From US: 1-712-770-5561
From UK:+44 (0)330 606 0182
From Netherlands: +31 (0) 6 3520 5002
From Sweden:+46 (0) 8 124 107 04
From Norway:+47 52 90 10 20
From Japan:+81 (0) 3-5050-5053
From Denmark:+45 78 77 25 22
From Switzerland: +41 (0) 44 513 30 07
From Brazil: +55 11 3042-2465
Please note: Since there are so many events on the bridge, we are now scheduling bridge meetings to end 5 minutes before the end of the hour so that there is sufficient time to transition between meetings.
To reserve time on a telebridge email us and include "Reserve Telebridge" in subject line. Please state your preferred bridge line and the meeting time in Eastern Time.
Listed times are Eastern Time.
Click here for "Tips for a successful telebridge call"
For a full list of organizational meetings, members can view the Members Telebridge Page