If you are a member of SCTRI or attended the SCT Conference since 2016, log in using the “Login” link on the top right. Otherwise, click the "Create an Account" link in the top right corner.
Why do we ask you to create an account? To prevent hackers from creating conference registrations just for fun. Hackers are welcome to the conference if they bring their curiosity and pay their fee.
We request that you be fully vaccinated for Covid-19 unless you have a medical exemption.
Psychologists: The Systems-Centered Training and Research Institute is approved by the American Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. SCTRI maintains responsibility for this program and its content. Maximum of 44 hours.
Social Workers, Marriage & Family Therapists, and Professional Counselors: Since SCTRI is approved by the APA to sponsor continuing education, licensed social workers, licensed clinical social workers, licensed marriage & family therapists, and licensed professional counselors in many US states will be able to fulfill their continuing education requirement by attending SCTRI continuing education events. Please check with your licensing board.
Certified Group Psychotherapists: Institute and conference events may be counted towards re-certification requirements for the National Registry of Certified Group Psychotherapists on a one hour per one CE credit basis. Please note that all CE credit events for CGP re-certification must be in group psychotherapy.
Satisfactory completion: Participants must complete an attendance/evaluation form to receive a certificate of completion/attendance. Your chosen sessions must be attended in their entirety. Partial credit of individual sessions is not available.
The Conference system offers all attendees the opportunity to be matched with a Buddy.
The Buddy role is one of mutual support and curiosity, enhancing each other’s experience at the Pre-Conference Weekend Institute and/or the Five-day Conference.
Buddies will be matched on criteria, such as profession, language, and area of interest. Prior to the Conference they will receive more details.
Any questions? Email Allan Rubin or Eriko Kopp-Makinose and include “Buddy Question” in the subject line.
SCTRI would like to open access to SCT training in these turbulent and changing times. We are aware of the importance for all of us of developing our personal and professional resources so that we can contribute most effectively to our larger contexts. We are hoping that this online Conference will provide some tools that will be of help. Our goal is to reduce the restraining forces to attending due to limited financial resources while still holding the reality that as an organization we need income to function.
When you join our conference it is important to know that all our training and workshops are experiential. When you sign-up for a workshop or training you are part of that group/system and your energy is important for the work. With that in mind, we hope you will attend all the sessions for which you registered.
If you have sufficient financial limitations that in your assessment you cannot meet the 50% fee, assess what you can pay and make that proposal via email to admin@systemscentered.com
If you need help registering for the conference, do not hesitate to contact us .
Discounts available! Deduct:
* 1-day Conference includes a late morning drop-in group, afternoon workshop & Large Group ** Friday Workshop is included in the 5-day conference & 7-day package. *** Applies only to reservations made through the hotel directly, not through travel websites like Trivago, Expedia, Orbitz, hotels.com, etc. Reservations made through the hotel help offset the cost of the conference.
Continuing Education Credits: The fee for CE credits is $35. Please request CEs when you register. Click here for details on CE credits that are available.
Become a Member of SCTRI: Membership in SCTRI is an opportunity to join a community of people working to learn and use systems-centered methods. To learn more about membership benefits and to join click here.
Work Exchange: A limited number of work exchange (WEX) jobs are available for SCTRI members. WEX is a member benefit that provides an opportunity to work in exchange for reduced registration fees for the annual conference. WEX is based on resources and need and is available to members who otherwise would not be able to attend the annual conference because of financial restraining forces. If attending the conference presents financial hardship, members are invited to contact Kathy Lum at admin@systemscentered.com to see what work exchange opportunities are available to offset some of the registration fees.
Housing: A limited amount of housing may be available in local homes if staying at the conference hotel presents financial hardship. Contact Debbie Woolf at dwoolf@comcast.net.
Student Rates and Group Discounts: Full-time students are eligible for a 50% reduction on registration fees. For group discounts, contact Kathy Lum at admin@systemscentered.com.
Refunds and Cancellation Policy:In this time of Covid our refund policy for anyone testing positive for the Covid virus is as follows: